From time to time I enjoy sharing moments and thoughts which I hope will help inspire and support my readers. These are not strictly nutritional focused, but dive into various topics such as culture, adventures, emotions and life.
Nutrition,Wellbeing & Adventures
Deliciousness for Christmas & Summer Holiday Adventures

Matariki Love Note
Namaste and Happy Matariki Dear Friends!
It is so exciting to be celebrating Matariki (the Maori New Year) as a public holiday for the first time here in Aotearoa! See below for some wonderful ways to celebrate Matariki and a lovely recipe that is perfect for sharing with friends and whanau. I also have the Matariki intake for the Nourishing Rhythms Programme coming up very soon - get in touch to reserve your place.

Mothers Day & Healing the Mother Wound
I am studying this year with a group of amazing somatic practitioners and this week we were all talking about Mothers Day. It wasn’t exactly your usual Mothers Day chat, we were discussing the Mother wound and how doing somatic release work is so beneficial to building better relationships.

Flow with Autumn
Autumn totally embodies the process of letting go. The harvesting of fruits and leaves falling to the ground is such a natural time release and reflection. Nature is showing us how she naturally lets go with such elegance and beauty.

My Lovely New Offering: The Nourishing Rhythms Programme
This is me on the Old Ghost Road on our 10th anniversary last year where it rained torrentially, this photo illustrates my aroha for spending time in nature and sitting with the fear of trying new things and doing them anyway!
Have you tried Habit Tracking? Download your Nourishing Practice Habit Trackers
A habit is something we do almost without thinking. It’s a routine of behaviour that almost becomes second nature.

3 months until 2022 - What could you do differently?
Daylight savings has begun, Spring (Koanga) is in the air and we have three wonderful, warm months until 2022. One quarter. It feels short, but 3 months is actually a perfect length of time to try on some beautifully nourishing habits to see if you like them. It’s very exciting.

Old Ghost Road Anniversary Adventure + Menu + Culture
A few weeks ago we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary and we did it by riding the Old Ghost Road. This is an incredible 85km mountain biking trail on the West Coast of the South Island, which traverses the Upper Buller Gorge and connects to the Mokihinui River.

Grandmother’s Love, Chai and a Diaspora Story
I was feeling way too tender in my heart to share this at my Grandmothers passing last year during lockdown, but April 1st 2021 would have been my Grandmothers 100th birthday so it feels like the right time to honour such a beauty.

Walking the Dreamy, Divine, Rainy Routeburn with Kids and our Food Plan
We walked our first full length great walk with the kids over New Years and I thought some of you might be interested in the food we took.

Happy Diwali, Happy Halloween & Harnessing Our Ancient Wisdom to Create Change
Namaste and Happy Diwali Dear Friends! For many of us it is also the Indian New Year - Happy Indian New Year!

Iodine is an essential nutrient. Are you getting enough?
When I was a student in Sheila Skeaff’s nutrition class we measured our iodine status and I was shocked by my results! It turns out that it’s quite hard to have an adequate iodine intake without regularly eating from this tiny range of iodine rich foods.